Saturday, January 07, 2006

Shannon and Jason

Oh, what a sweet couple!

Shannon and Jason-- or "peanuts and raisons" as they call themselves-- were so warm and welcoming on their wedding day, I almost felt like one of the family. And what a refreshing wedding... literally! With temperatures dipping down near zero during this late fall wedding, our portrait session in the wildflower meadow went pretty quick.

Once it was over, we jumped in our cars and sped off to a rustic cabane à sucre hidden deep in woods (as all the best cabane à sucres are), where the evening's festivities awaited us.

A wonderful evening followed, complete with giant slabs of wedding cake, singing from a choir of angel-faced toddlers, and a VERY funny skit about the frugality of the Dutch put on by the "uncles" (you really had to be there...)

Good luck, Shannon and Jason!


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